Since 2014 we have found ways to unite and empower the Jordanian-American community in Washington, D.C. We believe through this united community great things can happen. 


Our story

The idea of JAADC was conceived during an event held at the Embassy of Jordan in late 2013 for a delegation from the Foreign Ministry. The objective was to establish a line of communication between Jordanians, Jordanian organizations and the ministry. At the time this effort was not organized but 14 strong souls volunteered their time to start the JAADC journey.

Informal at first and lacking structure, we operated as one large team that muddled along without defined roles and responsibilities. We held events in 2014 but it was clear that we needed governance and proper organization. In August of that year an Executive committee and an Advisory board were born.

Since then we have had steady activities including casual gatherings, Eid celebrations, fun BBQs, a Christmas / New Year’s gala, and the leadership speaker series.

Our goals moving forward include greater consistency, a planned calendar for the year, additional activities to engage our community and reach the various demographics within it, and to develop platforms for our members to contribute and provide vital feedback to help us continually improve.

As an inclusive organization that is happy to have you join, our Executive committee will be glad to connect if you are interested.

We hope to see you at the next event!


Our Mission

To provide the Jordanian-American community in Washington, DC with a civic, social and philanthropic platform in order to unite and empower our community, strengthen ties between the American and Jordanian people, and promote Jordan's cultural heritage in the United States.


Our Values

  • Sense of belonging

  • Stewardship

  • Inclusiveness

  • Social responsibility

What We've Achieved

  • Hosted distinguished Jordanian government officials and business leaders for our leadership speaker series
  • Held a biannual BBQ
  • Celebrated the various holidays including Eid and Christmas
  • Organized candlelight vigils for unfortunate events in Jordan
  • Worked closely with the Embassy of Jordan in Washington, D.C. on Jordanian community related initiatives