We are coming up on a 5-year anniversary milestone in the young history of JAADC and we are seeking your continued support and participation!
Please save the date, Saturday April 13th for JAADC’s Executive Committee elections 🗳️. The current team is coming up on the end of its two-year term (elected on Apr 8, 2017), and we need your votes to select the next team. Details on the positions are in the attached document. All candidates and voters must be paying members of JAADC, as a member it is your right to serve and vote. For more information, visit our JAADC website, and to become a member click on Membership.
If you are interested to run for a position and believe you are qualified (must be a paying member), please reply back to along with the following information by Monday April 8th:
Position sought: <from attached list>
A brief bio:
Why are you interested in serving JAADC?:
A short statement about what qualifies you for the position:
We encourage our current and future members to play a role in growing our organization and be a part of running it! It's fun, exciting, and very rewarding to be part of this leadership team and contribute to the growth of JAADC. It is also demanding and requires executive committee members to dedicate time for meetings (once a month), follow-ups, serving the community, planning and executing events. This is a team effort with clear individual contributions and responsibilities towards executing our strategy. One can also volunteer to a specific event or committee without having to serve in an official capacity, we always welcome volunteers!