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JAADC Explores the National Air and Space Museum

  • National Air and Space Museum 600 Independence Avenue Southwest Washington, DC, 20597 United States (map)

JAADC is launching its exploration of the DMV series and we are starting with a museum! Join us as we explore DC one spot at a time before summer ends! 

  • What: End of Summer Museum Tour 
  • When: September 10th at 1:00 pm
  • Where: National Air and Space Museum 600 Independence Ave SW Washington, DC
  • Who: JAADC members and friends. This museum is very kid friendly, so bring your kids on this exploration outing! 
  • Why: Because why not? It's the end of summer so lets enjoy the weather and enjoy one of DC's top museums. 
  • How: Meet us infront of the Museum at 1:00 pm. One of us will be wearing an Arab red/white scarf. We will go inside the museum at 1:10 pm. 
national space and air museum.jpg


We hope to see you there!